Chapter 6: Turbulent Change

Christian’s hands trembled as he sifted through Trinity’s desk, a sense of urgency driving him to locate her mana blockage pills. The effort to replicate identical-looking pills in his alchemy class had consumed precious time, but his determination had prevailed. 

With beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead, he undertook the risky task of swapping her pills, an apologetic tone lingering in his mind. While a faint remorse tugged at him for potentially causing serious harm to his sister, a sinister satisfaction crept in, fueled by the wrongful assumption that Joseph would hasten his return upon witnessing Trinity’s worsened condition.

Christian justified his actions with a belief that Trinity deserved this punishment for teaching Grey to use mana. He learned about this from Diego and Frankie, and developed a calculated plan to teach their household a lesson. 

As Trinity’s angry footsteps echoed up the stairs, Christian hurriedly exited the room, leaving behind the brewing consequences of his blatant ignorance.

Grey and Trinity stepped into their shared room through Grey’s door. After discovering the compact size of Grey’s room, Trinity adamantly resisted any attempts to have their walls repaired. Consequently, his bed stayed fixed at the opposite end of her room, and each night, Trinity drifted off to sleep accompanied by the rhythmic cadence of her racing heartbeat.

The new books that Selene had imported from the north were already on Trinity’s bed. Grey climbed into it with her. 

Like Selene, Trinity was a bit disturbed that someone, especially one close to her in maturity, could have no problem sharing a bed with her. She was sure that boys had fawned over her looks, even when she was sickly. Why not Grey?

Once Trinity was able to focus, she joined Grey in reading a book about mana cores. Despite Trinity’s ability to use enchantments for learning, she found joy in sharing the reading experience with Grey. 

Together, they uncovered the fundamental concept that mana originates in a magical reservoir called a core. In this reservoir, people could store energy and employ it to project their mana. However, the duo learned something startling—if elves became tainted by dark energy, it could cause a mana circulation disorder. Even worse, those with dark energy could never fully remove it. Instead, they needed to gradually overwhelm the corrupted energy with normal, pure mana, or they would risk becoming vampires.

The intricacies unfolded further, revealing the core’s location behind the belly button. While the reserves could grow or shrink with training, everyone possessed a limited mana storage capacity. The key, however, was maintaining a powerful, compact core and layering it with thinner, more opaque cores. Achieving this required channeling external mana to the center of the body, a process in which knowledge of spirit magic proved invaluable.

Some people shared their number of cores to brag about their strength, but the book called this foolish. Claiming to have seven or even eight cores was relative. How a person used their cores was more important than how many cores they could layer.  

While taking a break, Grey noticed the title of another book stacked in the corner.

Spirit Grimoire: Auras Beyond the Tome 

Grey couldn’t believe it. A spirit magic book was rare, even in the north. Eager to delve into its contents, he sat upright. However, Grey’s excitement was quelled once Selene entered the room.

Trinity didn’t bother to look at her mother, but she firmly stated, “Never invite the Castlemans over again.”

“Deal,” Selene said firmly.  

Trinity blinked, taken aback by her mother’s unexpected agreement. 

“But she did make a good point when you left,” Selene conceded. “You see, Lisa has a fair and protective nature beneath the apparent coldness. If I’m being honest, she was the only mature adult in the room tonight. She considered everyone’s needs and desires, unlike me.”

Trinity and Grey exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to interpret Selene’s words.

Breaking the momentary silence, Selene dropped a very unexpected announcement. “It’s time for you to attend school.”

Trinity screamed, “No!” holding onto the vowel while clutching her mother’s dress. “Anything but that. Anything but that and taking Grey.”


“She’s trying to kill me, Grey. Save me!” Trinity resisted theatrically as Selene pulled her by the collar and toward the waiting carriage. 

Grey, however, remained a silent spectator, patting her head in a comforting yet noncommittal manner. 

Selene, unfazed by Trinity’s protests, defended her decision. “It’s for your own good.” 

“How? I can’t learn dark magic, and Grey’s a great tutor,” Trinity argued, trying to appeal to the practical side of her mother’s reasoning. “My scores are off the charts.”

“But your attitude is rotten, and you have no social skills.”

“Because I learned them from you!” Trinity fired back.

Grey, recognizing the futility of the argument, opened the carriage doors. With ease, Selene lifted Trinity and threw her inside.

Trinity rubbed the knot on her head and turned to Grey with a desperate plea. “Tell her that this is a bad idea, Grey!”

“No,” Selene contested. “Let her know that you won’t always be around to save her and that it’s time for her to grow up.” 

Christian left early to avoid riding in the carriage with me. Selene was arguing with a child. And Trinity acted half her age. Why couldn’t Ward Farms produce one mature person?

Grey showed Trinity a note that he had prepared already. It read, “I’ll be nearby with the other servants, so you’re not alone.”

“You want me to die too!” Trinity’s hyperbolic flair, evident in every gesture, screamed that she had read too many dramas in her free time. Still, Grey struggled to repress his giggles.

The massive centaur attached to the carriage released a neigh while adjusting his tie and checking his watch. They were going to be late if they didn’t depart soon. 

After closing the doors, Selene, unyielding in her decision, offered a final piece of advice. “Remember, if you truly care for Grey, treat him like a servant. You have no idea what abuse he’ll receive when you’re in class if people see you treating him like a friend.”

Trinity snarled and folded her arms defiantly across her chest. 

Grey, ever prepared, unfolded another note and presented it to Trinity. “If you reveal our relationship in front of others, I’ll go back to working in the house.” 

Trinity sucked up her snot and saluted with mock formality. However, her attempt to regain composure was marred by an unnoticed cough. Grey and Selene assumed that she was simply clearing her throat. 


The carriage ambled through the picturesque countryside, a landscape painted with vibrant hues of green, illuminated by the flames of the enchanted light posts. The scenery was sprinkled with blooming wildflowers that swayed in the gentle breeze. 

Trinity marveled at the sight, absorbing the beauty she had been deprived of during her years of illness. The carriage approached the grand school, a stone structure resembling a mansion.

Magic school at night with ominous lighting

Curiosity and uncertainty swayed in Trinity’s eyes as she turned to Grey, breaking the silence that hung in the air. “Hey, Grey.” Her words, seemingly casual, betrayed an underlying concern. “How much longer do I have until you run away?” 

Grey’s mind raced in response, questioning how she could possibly be aware of his internal dilemma. Although he attempted to conceal his thoughts, his expression betrayed him.

Trinity continued, her gaze avoiding direct contact with his. “You’ve been looking at the forest a lot more recently. You read alone. And you hardly interact with the slaves anymore.” 

Trinity only glanced at Grey to see if he would reach for his pen and paper. Instead, Grey turned his gaze to the passing scenery beyond the carriage windows, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken concerns that bound them together.

Trinity decided to steer the conversation into more lighthearted territory. “You’re supposed to escort me from class and bring my lunches. I wish I could hold your hand like I do in the forest.” Still, her words hung in the air. 

Grey could hear the unspoken desires of a girl who yearned for companionship and more. 

I wanted a friend. I wanted to go to school. I wanted to have a crush. And I wanted to eat at a restaurant.

Grey recalled the words from the night when Trinity thought she would die. But he remained steadfast in his resolve. Despite Trinity’s evident feelings for him, he refused to reciprocate. 

What Grey wanted to focus on was a way to cast spells. During Lisa’s final visit, Selene told Grey to stop masking his mana. His energy was too small to notice, especially when he was around a freak like Trinity.

Trinity’s progress in mastering northern magic had been nothing short of extraordinary. Within a month, before enrolling in classes, she had developed a second layer to her core. Her classmates, on average, possessed four cores, and they had practiced magic their entire lives.  

In contrast, Grey couldn’t conjure spells without Trinity’s assistance. While this ensured his secret remained safe within the school’s confines, he still faced the unresolved challenge of finding the fodders’ magical bracelets to protect himself in Rosewood. It was the key to his escape. Once he had those, he would disappear.

The carriage came to a halt, and the centaur’s neigh caused the doors to open. Trinity, stepping out, instantly drew the attention of onlookers. Her developed physique and striking features made her an immediate center of attraction. A murmur of admiration rippled through the crowd.

All the girls wore the same uniform—a collared shirt, dark violet vest, plaid skirt, and a mage’s cape. Still, Trinity’s uniform stood out with her more mature features.  

To Trinity’s dismay, several of her childhood friends, whom Selene often encouraged to visit, rushed toward the carriage. Among them was Marcy’s brother, Oliver, who displayed the same aristocratic grace as the Castlemans. He bowed courteously, causing his brown curly hair to bounce around, and Oliver gently shook Trinity’s hand as though he were greeting a princess.

Then, Oliver remarked, “You must be the infamous Grey. My sister, Marcy, couldn’t stop talking about you.” 

Grey reciprocated with a bow and a hand over his heart.

This is the kind of guy I’d want Trinity to marry. 

Grey was aware that she would punch one or both of his eyes for such a thought. 

The others in the courtyard overlooked Grey, focusing their attention on the vibrant Trinity. Lucian, a massive and muscular vampire with abnormally long and pointy ears, enthusiastically lifted Trinity into the air and spun her around. Despite his intimidating demeanor, Lucian, by vampire standards, was considered handsome with his pale skin. His presence reminded Trinity of her father more than anyone.

“I’m so happy you’re finally coming to class,” Lucian exclaimed. 

Trinity offered a polite smile. But internally, she imagined herself punching Lucian in the face and stomping him on the ground for lifting her without permission.

Briana intervened with a playful kick to Lucian’s shin, causing him to hop around in pain. She then turned her attention to Trinity, introducing herself, “He’s still an idiot, as you can see.” 

Trinity, despite her mixed feelings about the encounter, reciprocated a smile. She had only stepped on campus for two minutes and her cheeks burned from her fake, plastic-like expressions. 

Briana was the only other vampire with a slave, and that slave caught Grey’s attention. The woman caused Grey to smirk, considering how she reminded him of a ninja. As Grey’s eyes drifted to the woman’s hourglass figure, Trinity cleared her throat, snatching him from his trance.

Zora, a young woman in a maid's uniform at night

With a twisted expression and an almost wickedly jealous smile, Trinity suggested, “Maybe we should introduce our servants.” After hearing her words, Trinity inwardly winced at the term she used for Grey.

“No need,” Briana retorted. “Let’s head to class.” She took hold of Trinity’s arm and engaged in casual conversation, steering the group toward the school building. 

Trinity looked back at Grey, cursing and throwing imaginary books at his head. She hated the thought of leaving him with the ninja slave. 

As the others walked away, Grey found his attention drawn to Briana’s servant. He made sure to avoid staring at her waist again, so he continued to observe her characteristics. 

This person appeared older than the students. Grey thought she was in her mid to late twenties. Her fair skin contrasted with her long, black hair. If they were on Earth, Grey would assume that her features were Asian, but the mask covering her face and his ignorance of Vale’s geography, made it impossible to assume.

With the bell signaling the start of classes, the ninja slave immediately walked behind the school toward a small, wooden shack. Grey discreetly followed the enigmatic servant, curious about her role and the reason behind her distinctive appearance. His eyes also drifted to her waist, more than he would have liked them to. 

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